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You can subscribe and manage webhooks in the settings section in the admin portal.
Webhook messages can be used to trigger workflows that you might want to run as part of the basta integration. An example of a workflow is sending an email confirmation when a “BidOnItem” webhook is received.
Webhook Types
Each webhook event has the following template
javascript{ "idempotencyKey": "{UNIQUE_STRING}", "actionType": "{BASTA_ACTION}", "data": "{PAYLOAD}" }
ActionType can be one of the following
- BidOnItem
- SaleStatusChanged
- ItemsStatusChanged
The BidOnItem event(ActionType) is sent whenever a successful bid is placed on an auction.
javascript{ "idempotencyKey": "717756cc-b5d4-4715-a983-9101d39100d0", "actionType": "BidOnItem", "data": { "bidId": "9f1cd2a3-edb7-427f-b354-0ea8ec230c24", "saleId": "f574bc51-bee2-4042-bea7-031d8ba9193c", "itemId": "a4889f22-c43f-4562-84ef-ba2bb4913442", "userId": "a7c67169-3857-49ef-bdc5-11d029a20dc8", "amount": 500, "maxAmount": 500, "bidDate": "2024-02-27 10:23:08.181026943 +0000 UTC m=+1304442.589759567", "bidType": "", "saleState": { "newLeader": "ea582aa7-e650-4352-9a05-6b6cae713cfa", "prevLeader": "187042af-857a-40d2-9cac-8d5a70c54662", "currentBid": 600, "currentMaxBid": 600 }, "reactiveBids": [ { "bidId": "165bc5ab-773f-4c1f-b2d8-acc73f88d62e", "userId": "bea25c0c-066a-4db1-94f3-1d43bbc0239e", "amount": 600, "maxAmount": 600 } ] } }
The SaleStatusChanged event(ActionType) is sent whenever a sale changes its status. For example when sale moves from being “PUBLISHED” to status “OPEN”
javascript{ "idempotencyKey": "90696215-d0f9-4878-85cf-86aa6e4d17c7", "actionType": "SaleStatusChanged", "data": { "saleId": "2d0bae48-8c37-4991-816f-0309745d11bd", "saleStatus": "OPEN" } }
The ItemsStatusChanged event(ActionType) is sent whenever items in a sale change their status.
javascript{ "idempotencyKey": "52254f4e-82cd-4aec-8f74-eb93ce516cc1", "actionType": "ItemsStatusChanged", "data": { "saleId": "ed553a36-6cb7-4fe4-af74-b554c32fb52b", "itemStatusChanges": [ { "itemId": "a4d24150-937d-4d85-9dc8-792c99886cc7", "itemStatus": "CLOSING", "saleState": { "newLeader": "bidder-a", "prevLeader": "bidder-a", "currentBid": 500, "currentMaxBid": 500 } }, { "itemId": "536c9bfd-78bd-4296-96d7-4d4d78901260", "itemStatus": "CLOSING", "saleState": { "newLeader": "bidder-x", "prevLeader": "bidder-x", "currentBid": 25000, "currentMaxBid": 25000 } } ] } }