In our commitment to providing developers with versatile tools for seamless integration, we offer lightweight TypeScript SDKs as an alternative to directly interacting with GraphQL. These SDKs provide a clean abstraction layer, leveraging TypeScript's strengths to simplify GraphQL integration. We offer two SDKs tailored for both client and admin applications.
Key Features
  1. Type Safety: Benefit from TypeScript's inherent type safety for robust and reliable applications.
  1. Abstraction of Complexity: Simplify GraphQL queries with an intuitive interface, abstracting away the intricacies of GraphQL syntax.
  1. Enhanced Productivity: Reduce boilerplate code, accelerate development, and enjoy autocompletion within IDEs for increased efficiency.
  1. Zero Dependencies: Our SDKs are designed to be lightweight and have zero external dependencies, ensuring a hassle-free integration process.
Get started
@bastaai/basta-js is our client SDK which is meant to be used for non-sensitive client side operations.
@bastaai/basta-admin-js is our admin SDK which allows you to make sensitive operations behind authentication.

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